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HomeWeb Hosting ArticlesDefinition of VPS hosting
1 CPU Core
20 GB Storage
$6.00 / month

1 CPU Core
40 GB Storage
$13.00 / month

VPS OVZ Mercury
2 CPU Cores
80 GB Storage
$21.00 / month

Definition of VPS hosting

As shared hosting packages have limited features and a dedicated server is too high-priced for the majority of individuals, specific hosting providers supply a third website hosting service type - the VPS. This website hosting solution provides excellent performance at a very cheap price and is frequently the favored choice for web portals that need plenty of system resources.

What exactly is a VPS?

A robust physical server is sliced into a number of VPS that imitate the behavior of a regular dedicated machine. There are a lot of apps that make this division realizable so that the client obtains a completely functional web server with complete root access and guaranteed system resources.

KVM, OpenVZ and Vserver Virtualization Interfaces.

The root access allows individuals to install extra server-side software platforms that are occasionally required for certain web apps to operate correctly. Each VPS is typically administered via a virtualization tool such as KVM, OpenVZ or Vserver, which is used to supervise and reboot running processes and programs, install a web hosting CP interface and keep the software on the server up to date. More practiced users can carry out all this through a Secure Shell console as well.

Managed VPS Solutions?

Given Virtual Private Servers do not offer root access to the client, but are administered by the hosting supplier. This is the so-called managed web hosting service, whereby the hosting provider is responsible for the monitoring processes and software installations. In contrast, with the more famous unmanaged hosting service, the customer copes with all that stuff, we at Host It Better also provide a Managed Services option. In this way, users can do anything they desire on the VPS, but they can also depend on the hosting company for technical matters that they cannot solve themselves.

Earn Profit With Your VPS.

The hosting storage space on a VPS server is administered via a web hosting Control Panel tool such as cPanel, Hepsia, Plesk or DirectAdmin. There are tens of website hosting CP GUIs on the World Wide Web, so users can utilize either the one supplied by the web hosting supplier, or the one that they wish on the condition that concrete web hosting Control Panel can function on the selected server Operating System. From there on, everything is strictly the same as with a normal web hosting user account - file management, electronic mail management, database administration, and so on. Particular Control Panels also include a reseller back office tool, which enables users to set up and sell hosting plans to other people. This is a method to earn good cash as customers are searching for high quality website hosting services constantly and 1000's of brand new domains are being registered every day. Even if the VPS package is small, the end users will not know its actual system resources, but will only notice the consumed and the available resources as percentages.

The Positive Sides of the VPS.

Beside being much more affordable, a virtual server web hosting package has another advantage over a dedicated server. While the system resources on a physical machine are always limited by its hardware, a VPS is a virtual private web server with software restrictions. If necessary, these limitations can be surmounted with a few clicks of the mouse, and certain web hosting vendors also provide "burstable" system resources included in their standard VPS packages. If a specific system resource quota limit has been exceeded, but there are unconsumed system resources on the physical server, they can be assigned to this concrete virtual hosting server, making certain that it can handle the temporary substantial server load. This will maintain all websites kept on the VPS available online until either the server load diminishes, or the customer upgrades the account to a more advanced one. This flexibility renders Virtual Server a preferred choice for resource-requiring web sites as it ensures their reliability and online availability.

A VPS - a prudent choice for your website(s).

Picking the most appropriate hosting package can at times be problematic but a VPS package is always a prudent option for a start. It will offer enough resources to tackle the server load created by any site, even a resource-devouring community web site or a large e-business portal.